Sport can provide important health and social benefits to all those involved. Life-long learning, enjoyment and participation in sport comes from a culture which is fun, positive, ethical and safe.  

Sport plays a significant role in addressing the sustainable development goals (SDGs). 

  • Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Wellbeing for All, at all Ages
  • Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All
  • Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls

Art entails diverse range of activities executed by human beings, as well as the products of these activities. It is a representation of reality, communication of emotion, expression or other qualities.

Culture as a modern concept evolved as a central concept in anthropology during the 20th century, and it comprises a wide variety of human behaviours and phenomena that cannot be attributed directly to genetic inheritance.

  • Art and culture are most definitely two things that go hand in hand. Works of art created by a society is a product of the culture that prevails within that community and, therefore, one can see that art and culture are definitely interlinked. However, it is important to discern the many differences between these two concepts in order to understand them better.
  • Culture is the ensemble of social forms, material traits, customary beliefs, and other human phenomena that cannot be directly attributed to a genetic inheritance of a religious, racial, or social group. Art is the creative expression of one’s experiences, emotions and other qualities.
  • Art is one aspect of culture. Art is influenced heavily by culture and is born as a by-product of culture, reflecting some of its customs, beliefs and values.

Art and culture bring communities together. They’re an excellent source of wonder, delight, and wisdom, and offer intellectual and emotional experiences, which promote either contemplation or celebration.

Arts and culture define and connect us, celebrate our diversity and unite us. A strong cultural foundation makes our communities resilient, sustainable and vibrant places to live and work. 

KAWAC Newsletter


  1. Kenyan Canadian Association
  2. Uzima Women Relief Group International
  3. KENWA